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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Venice Art Walk 2017

“Peaking in My Butterfly Garden” 2017*

Once again it is time for the Venice ARTwalk, one of the truly fun all-weekend parties in Los Angeles. Come see great art displayed at the Google headquarters and buy something at the auction to support the Venice Family Clinic. I always create a UNIQUE piece for this event, so please join us and bid on it. At 30” wide, my contribution this year: “Peaking in My Butterfly Garden”
For more info:

Venice Art Walk 2017

May 21, 2017
340 Main Street
Venice, California

*photograph(s) © copyright, ROBERT GLENN KETCHUM, 2017, @RbtGlennKetchum @LittleBearProd #LittleBearProd
SOCIAL MEDIA by #LittleBearProd:

Friday, April 7, 2017

Outdoor Photographer, "Alaskan Legacy. How Robert Glenn Ketchum Became a Leading Advocate for the Preservation of Southwest Alaska’s Ecosystems and Economies" By Wes Pitts

How Robert Glenn Ketchum became a leading advocate for the preservation of Southwest Alaska’s ecosystems and economies

By Wes Pitts / Photography By Robert Glenn Ketchum | April 5, 2017

The approximate location of the proposed Pebble mine. If it were to be built, this view would be an industrialized hole in the ground over two miles across and 2,000 feet deep.
Few outsiders know Southwest Alaska as intimately as Robert Glenn Ketchum. Remote and vast, the region has limited roadways, requiring planes and boats to explore. It’s also home to several national and state parks, wildlife reserves, complex ecosystems and the largest salmon fishery in the world, Bristol Bay, which supplies half of the global sockeye salmon catch.

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